I loved the earlier version. I was able to drag the bookmarks all around and then hit "re-order" (add-on) and the PDF would reorder the pages based on the bookmarks. The new version sucks!!!! What idiot created it? It is less user-friendly and most frustrating! Where is my list that shows all the mark-ups and comments or the feature to delete certain comments made by certain someone. Old version had a lot more features and practicality. The new version sucks!!! Can't stress enough. Talk about taking a giant step back in technology.

oldgreywolff commented
Who thought this new interface was a good idea? They were wrong. You took a good product and trashed it. Think I will go back to Nitro Pro.
Me! commented
I fully agree with the previous comments. "The new Adobe DC sucks" it is horrible, Idiotic design!!! Too many things to list here. For example...The icons are so big, in your face and there isn't an option to turn them off and leave them off! They just come back the next time you start. Even just making them smaller would be nice. I want to go back to an earlier version of Adobe DC... "If it ain't broken, why fix it?". But I guess Adobe just want to keep on selling products!