Drag and Drop to Desktop to Extract stopped working
I can no longer drag pages from the Pages Thumbnail sidebar onto my desktop to make a new PDF of those pages. I haven't tried to do this since the last update came through... Is anybody else experiencing this?
It's extremely slow and frustrating having to manually right click extract, select the pages, open it in a new adobe window, then have to save the file through the menu.

Joanna Price commented
When i drag and drop files it doesn´t show them as moved until i close and reopen the folder. This is on windows pc
Valerie Backo commented
I am dealing with the same issue. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program, unchecked the enable protected mode at start and still having this issue.
Russ commented
Drag and drop extract stopped working on Adobe Pro DC. I'm working on a Mac.
Glenda commented
After going into tools / organize mode, previously I was able to extract (drag) pages from one file to another but for some reason, I can't do it anymore. WHY?
Anonymous commented
Having the same issue. Whats the fix for this?
JessicaH commented
Working on an HP laptop with Windows 10, using Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020, version 2020.001.30020. Cannot also get the feature to drag and drop a thumbnail to the desktop. Have turned off the security features. Any other help would be appreciated.