Crash when commenting on PDF portfolio file
- Create a PDF portfolio from any two PDF files
- Right click on one of the files on the left and choose Open File
- Go to the Comment tool
- Click Add Text Comment from the toolbar (the single line one)
- Type in a comment anywhere
- Click X to close the tab while the caret is still blinking
Asks you to save like it does with a non-portfolio PDF file.
Freezes and then crashes. Reproducible every time, occurs on multiple Windows accounts.
After typing, if you press Esc or do anything else to move focus off the comment, the comment commits and everything is fine. If you close the tab without doing that, while the caret is still blinking, it crashes. This doesn't happen for regular PDFs, only those opened from a portfolio.
Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017
2017 Release (Classic) Version 2017.011.30171
Running in remote desktop on Windows Server 2016 version 1607 build 14393.3686

Greg V commented
Also happens on Windows 10 in a non-remote desktop environment after updating Acrobat to the latest version. There are no further updates found by Help > Check for Updates.
Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017
2017 Release (Classic) Version 2017.011.30171
Windows 10 Enterprise version 1903 build 18362.752 -
Greg V commented
Also happens on Windows 10 in a non-remote desktop environment.
Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017
2017 Release (Classic) Version 2017.011.30166
Windows 10 Enterprise version 1903 build 18362.752