Downgrade from Acrobat DC to adobe PDF pack
I cancelled my monthly Acrobat DC subsription (too expensive and I didn't need many of the cloud features), and down graded to a yearly subscription of adobe PDF pack. Now, whenever I try to open previously created pdf documents I get hijacked with a popup to renew the DC subscription. For awhile I was able to close that and open a previously saved adobe doc by clicking on the adobe DC icon and choosing "default", which I am assuming allowed the pdf pack programs to open. Now I am not even getting that choice. The DC opens to a blank document and then a notice/pop up that my DC subsription has run out and I need to renew. STOP Hijacking my domuments. I have paid about 100$ for the yearly sub for "adobe PDF pack"! Open my documents and stop trying to get me to pay another 14.99 per month to access my documents!!!