Option to disable "helper" popups
The blue popup boxes that come up when opening/editing PDFs may be helpful for new users, but for experienced users they are everything from useless through condescending and all the way into genuinely in the way of working. I for one don't need to have the 'Add Text' button pointed out for me when I am editing a PDF, or a box come up and say "This looks like a form". I know what I'm working on, and the popups are as unwelcome and unhelpful as Clippy.
All we need is a little checkbox on the blue boxes saying "Do not show tips" or an entry in settings to make them go away.
Thank you.
Doug Gray commented
Please get rid of this annoyance now.
Michael Palmer commented
My automated AHK script opens my credit card PDF bill and copies the details into Excel. This unwelcome popup crashes the whole procedure. I hate it,