Save Signed Form as Cleared Unsigned Version of Itself
I want to be able to take a filled out and digitally signed (by somebody else) form and save it as an unfilled and unsigned version of itself.
Many times I have had to go searching over slow company intranet for a blank unsigned version of a form because the only ones I have locally are signed versions. I've even had to re-do letters from scratch because either I didn't save a blank version, or accidentally saved over the blank copy without thinking about it. I know that we can't clear a signature that is not our own, but would it cause a global cyber security crisis if we had the ability to save signed forms as new blank versions of themselves?
I'm not talking about saving over the existing version, but creating a new version that has all fields and signatures cleared. Is there a cyber surety reason that states once a form is filled/signed, it is illegal for somebody to save a blank unsigned version of it? Or does it have to do with how the form gets encrypted once it is signed that makes it impossible for somebody else to remove the signature and filled in fields?