Can not find the option to Collate. Adobe default to backward printing from the start, requiring me to select "reverse" printing...why?
Printing options on adobe waste office time because they are not intuitive and easily fount on the printer dialogue box. The first time I printed a 25 page document it printed backwards. I had to manually reverse the order of the document...why?? Also the text size on the dialogue box is too small. The default print options should be what most offices require..right out of the box. Why should there be a printer learning curve to print with adobe? The printer usage is antiquated and needs redesigned. I am a realtor and handle large contract documents 25-70 pages. I find I need to spend precious time focussing on how my document is going to end up in the print basket...backwards? non-collated, 25 page #1 then 25 page #2 etc. So frustrating and time wasting. Adobe needs to be as easy to work as MS Outlook. Most of us are not working for publishers or newspapers or catalog editors.