Splitting PDF to multiple files based on list of named page ranges
PDF DC needs a way to split a document into multiple files with varying page ranges by name. Under the split feature, there could be a table to fill in (or paste into) a list with "new file names" and the page range for that new file. This way you could extract multiple sections of a PDF at once. If this is not possible, an action script or plugin, as part of DC purchase, to import lists to create bookmarks, rather than manually creating them. This way one could split a file by bookmarks (already a feature) quickly by first creating a list of bookmarks that are then imported to generate the bookmarks with page ranges defined, etc.. There many 3rd party options you can pay for to do these tasks. So why not include it in the product for those of us who don't know javascripting.

rashmi parkash commented
The CubexSoft PDF Cutter Tool is one of the most useful utility that can easily split, divide, cute, break down your PDF files into multiple small PDF files without losing any single information of PDF files. There is no limitations of large size files you can split any size of PDF files with safe and secure process. In addition, there are other more advantages of this software i.e. demo edition, you can use its trial version and split first 5 PDF files for free of cost.
Read More: https://www.cubexsoft.com/pdf-split/