Multi-tasking when printing
I have noticed that with the version I have now (2020.013.20066), That I cannot print one document and the move to the next tab to print, edit or manage that document at all. While the printing is active, one is basically locked out from the app until the printing is complete.
This seems pretty odd as the app is obviously made to multi-task, as is the OS (in my case Windows 10) and printer (queue). Whether this has been done on purpose, or is a bug, I am not sure, so you will have to decide for yourselves if this is a bug report or a feature request! : P
I have attached an image that tries to illustrate the issue. I have also talked to support and will use their suggested work-around: mark the files that are to be printed in Explorer, right-click and choose Print. This functions, BUT it assumes that all the documents are to be printed the same way. One has no control of the printing parameters or settings at all. I would therefore very much prefer multiple printouts to be done from within Acrobat.
Thanks in advance,