Autosave failed and more
Hi, I copy paste here a conversation I had yesterday with one of your help service agent (chat). It makes it quicker than re-writing everything. In summary, the automatic file saving failed on me. Indeed, when Adobe Acrobat DC software crashed, I had to close it and when reopening it, it said unable to reopen 3 of the files. I was not too worried since I had saved the most important doc under a new name one hour or so before and would have to redo just a few revision comments. But to my surprise, when I opened it, although the name was the new one, all the modifications/comments done on the 19th had disappeared and it said the last ones were done on the 15th. This means more than the autosave failed, but even the saving under a new name did not work. Here’s my conversation…
"Hello, I worked on a document all afternoon yesterday and I saved the document with all the comments I made at 6:39 pm. Then Adobe crashed, everything freezed. I did not touch it for many hours hoping it would debug. But this morning, nothing. So, I had to restart the program, but the file - even if it has the last name I gave it - does not contain the comments and highlights made yesterday, it only contains those dated January 15th. I couldn't find the latest (yesterday's) saved version.
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I understand your issue, Dominique.
There is a default automatic save document changes for every 5 minutes set on Acrobat Pro DC. If you have made changes to the document yesterday, the data would have been saved.
Once you re-launch the application and open the same file, you'll find an option to restore the data. If you would have missed on this option, then we do not have an option to retrieve the data.
I would suggest you to change the automatic save document to one minute so that you will not miss out any data. Below are the steps to change the preference:
Edit > Preferences > Documents > Automatic save document changes.
Let me know if that works?
Well that's the problem, my preferences do have the automatic saving every 5 minutes (I changed it to 1 min earlier this morning) but I don't know if the automatic save worked or not yesterday but when I had to restart the program this morning, and asked to restore, little windows appeared saying it could not retrieve the files (3).
And then the file version of Jan 15 opened which is weird since I had saved it myself under another name yesterday. The comments an revision notes from yesterday don't show
I understand your issue however the Acrobat is synced or has auto-saved the file version only till Jan 15th. Hence kindly request you to make the changes again and save the documents. Also, please let me know if it crashes again we can troubleshoot further to fix the crash issue?
This means hours of work lost, and hours of work to do again. I wonder first time why it crashed. Sooo disappointed from Adobe.
And having to remember exactly allll the comments I made and how I wrote them won't be easy :(
I can completely understand how much you are upset. I would request you to report to our engineering team who works on these application crashes by clicking on the below link:
You know, it's not only a question of autosave, cause I saved it under a new name after I made a lots of revision comments and underlying and still they don't appear.
I can certainly understand your situation, Dominique. If the file was saved with a different name then the saved changes will appear in the saved file location however the data has not been auto saved due to the default changes.
No, you don't understand... even the changes made before manually saving it, under a new name, don't appear in that newly named file.
If you have saved the changes to the file which you have edited, the saved changes will appear in the file which you're trying to open. Please make sure you're opening the same file and from the correct file location.
I do. I've been making researches since early morning (haven't had breakfast) in all my files and it's always the same file coming back... without the last modifications. The IT technician from my organisation helped me too and is as confused as I am. Anyway... Thanks for your support, I give up on trying to retrieve it.
Isn't there a temporary file I could look in?
I understand that you are upset Dominique, the file might have closed before you saved it or there might be permission issue on your computer according to the group policies set by your IT admin. We request you to post this feedback to our engineering team by using the wish form link below.
If there is a temporary file stored for that particular PDF, as soon as you re-launch Acrobat the application itslef will give you an option to retrieve or restore the data. As there might be a permission issue, the temporary files may not be accessible on your computer.
It is not a permission issue since Adobe did restore files in the past, but this time there's been a bug and it couldn't.
Thanks and have nice day.
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So here I am, working double to on my doc hoping that I don't forget anything :(