"Use Current Properties As New Defaults" needs to set defaults for all future doc form field properties. (this seems like a bug)
I need to be able to set the default properties on form fields so that all form fields created in the future --- whether by me manually or automatically by way of Acrobat's Prepare Form > Scan feature --- reflect the "default" property settings, both in the current doc and in all future docs. Default means default.
Let's review the current flow here:
1) I open a PDF doc that I want to convert to a fillable-form.
2) I choose Tools --> Prepare Form
3) I accept the option to scan for all form-field auto detection.
4) All form fields are created.
5) I change the properties on a single field and save.
6) I right-click on the field and choose "Use Current Properties As New Defaults".
Now what? All of the form fields were created in step 4! How is step 6 even the least bit useful? Who thought this up? Also, doesn't the word "Default" mean the application should default to these properties in the future? Not just on this document, but on all documents in the future.