Action wizard should not depend of the settings from the last conversion of any type of exporting/indepenmdant settings
For automation of pdfs task we use Actions to convert to different types of files (html, doc, docx, etc), but ACROBAT uses the latest save as settings.
For example:
If I make an Action to convert a bunch of pdfs to html, and I choose the setting without OCR.
Then I try a manual conversion of a single pdf to html but this time with OCR, when I use the Action the next time it will OCR the PDF even though I didn't want that.
The settings from Action / Export should be independent from the manual/save as settings.
This means that you always have to change or verify the settings before using an action which is very annoying, needles to say that you can sometimes forget, you try to use the files and see that is not the same option you wanted and have to go from the start.
It is even harder when you have a computer that it is used by several people.