Prepare Form; Tabbing Field Groupings
Problem: When creating a fillable form, you either have to go in order of fields you create or in order of field creation number. When I receive forms that have already been given a great deal of time, the tabbing functionality is not ideal due to the function obeying the rule of field creation/ purposeful placing in the fields scrollbar. This becomes a chore when dealing with hundreds of fields. Ideally at this moment you want to scrap the whole creation and begin in a more formal and tedious recreation.
Solution: Multiple click/drag selectable field grouping. Where you can form the line up of fillable fields you want to correct/ customize, order from Horizontal/ Vertical, Tabbing formation L-R. Order them in the selectable fields, and not have to scroll through the fields option to drag to correct placement/ redo the field numbering.
This could be added in the side panel.