Permit use of freeform highlighter tool on modifier key
Dear Adobe, my organization extensively uses commenting features on PDFs but occasionally the way that text is recognized creates problems for highlighting and text selection; in particular, a common failure mode is to try to highlight a sentence but then text above and below it is also selected as if the text is actually organized as a column.
Notwithstanding the underlying issue, this and other occasions mean that it would sometimes be more useful to be able to use the freeform "marker" style highlighter (with the circular cursor outline instead of the text selector style) regardless of the state of the text in question (not to mention drawings, engineering drawings, etc. where for some reason the freeform style highlighter doesn't work for whatever reason).
I have encountered workarounds online (e.g. pencil tool with less opacity, which dims the text; or special stamps whose aspect ratio can't be changed) that seem unnecessarily elaborate and less functional than simply being able to use the freeform highlighter tool at any time (e.g. by a toggle or modifier key). Thanks!