BUG: Cannot turn off the "Get e-signatures fast" banner
I totally get that you want to tell people about new features of your application but I don't need it to STAY in the interface. It is extremely annoying that I cannot turn off this banner. Give me a way to get rid of the **** thing
all commented
Turn it off and stop with the predatory marketing. Your eating your own!
Herb commented
Seriously Adobe, you have to do something about this it's been almost a year. It's not only annoying but it slows down the opening of PDFs. Every time I open a PDF Acrobat freezes for a second or two until the banner loads. Sometimes the banner takes longer. My work requires me to open and switch back and forth constantly between PDF and this is so frustrating and it adds up to a whole bunch of wasted time.
KP commented
Oh I know, and it's breaking my brain because it looks like a Teams notifiaction.
Posted it here too https://www.reddit.com/r/Adobe/comments/pxi19k/get_esignatures_fast_in_bottom_right_needs_to_be/
David Evers commented
Me too, this is very annoying. We already bought your product. Hitting us with extra ads is aggravating.