fullscreen mode fade
When going into and out of fullscreen mode, can we remove the long DRAMATIC fade. It's so unnecessary and such a waste of time.

Jonathan commented
Agree. No fade on fullscreen for Acrobat. Have a checkbox in settings at least.
[ Check Box ] Skip Fade on Fullscreen
This is especially painful on MacBooks since there is a video glitch that makes it "blink" after the fade, so it wastes time and is jarring anyway.
Eirik Bakke commented
I second this--please remove the fade effect that appears on Acrobat Reader and Acrobat Professional on MacOS when entering and exiting fullscreen mode. I often need to quickly open and review several dozens PDFs, and going in and out of full screen is an operation that should be instantaneous.
See the attached video for an illustration (or at https://twitter.com/eirikbakke/status/1465516824221597701?s=20 ).
Other users have complained about this in other forums as well, e.g. at