Digital Signature Problems
I've been using digital signatures in Adobe Acrobat for YEARS. Just got a new PC for work and digital signatures are not working properly or consistently. Documents that need signatures always need two. The second person (no matter who it is) always has problems and the experience changes each time. Sometimes, the certification toolbar won't come up. Sometimes the visible signature option is not available. Sometimes the software goes completely black. There is never any error message. The software just doesn't work for the second signature. Both brand new machines. Both have exactly the same software versions. Both use the exact same method of creating the digital identity. Both use the same tool (certify document) to apply digital signature. I've done more than my share of troubleshooting on this issue and can figure out just about any problem. Other posts here say that the issue is resolved. It is not resolved.

Ken Largent commented
Really frustrating. This ought to be so easy that even Joe Biden could do it.