Batch OCR blocking app and interfering with system
The batch OCR feature is simply not fit for purpose and needs completely replacing.
When performing a batch OCR the application is entirely locked into the process and is unable to do any other tasks. Acrobat installs itself as the default PDF viewer, so you cannot even view a PDF by default when the OCR process is running. There needs to be a way to run these batch processes as true background tasks that do not interfere with other Acrobat functions, or the ability to open multiple instances of Acrobat.
The batch process will often crash without warning or error message, I simply come back later and find Acrobat is closed and only a few of my files were converted.
On the Mac (latest OS) when a batch is running it does NOT behave nicely with the rest of the system. It sets the cursor pointer to the 'busy wristwatch' SYSTEM WIDE, not just for when the actual Acrobat app is in focus. It also likes to bring the Acrobat window to the front a LOT, which means you have to drag Acrobat off screen to stop it interfering with other things.
The automation for OCR is clearly a hack that's been put on top of an architecture that was never designed to be automated.
When will we get a modern application that justifies the monthly fees we pay for this?