Unable to Change Document Title and Other Information Under Document Properties Tab
Hi There,
I am not sure if I am posting this under the correct category as there does not seem to be one that matches my issue / suggestion.
I work for a Staffing and Recruiting company as a recruiter. As such, I look at many resumes that people send to me via email. Most of them are in .PDF format. Because I call people and leave messages for them to call me back, I often have multiple resumes open at once in case they call me back to discuss a job opportunity. I have them open to save time when they call and so I can quickly have access to a person's information. However, when "John" or someone calls and I have multiple resumes open, on each tab, in the title bar, it just says "Resume" or whatever even though I have taken the time to carefully save the resume as "John Doe - Resume - Occupation - Location - Current Date" so that I can easily find it both in Windows Explorer and when I have it open in Adobe Reader. Hence, even though I have used Windows File Explorer to carefully change the title of the .PDF resume file to what I want it to be, when I am looking at the resume in Adobe, I am unable to see the actual NAME of the file that I have given it. I just see multiple documents with the name "Resume" so I am unable to determine which resume I want to view without cycling through them until I find the one I want to view. When I open up the Document Properties, the Title of the document is greyed out and I am unable to change the title to match the Windows File Explorer name I have given to the document. Hence, I have to go through all of the documents one by one to determine which one is the correct document I actually want to view. This is very time consuming, frustrating and makes me look like an idiot because I cannot quickly find and open the person's resume while I have them on the phone.
I have searched on the internet and from reading posts both on your web site and elsewhere, there does not seem to be any easy way to change the document title to the one I want to use. This situation exists both while I have the document open and am viewing it and even after I change the title of the document with Windows File Explorer when I have closed the document, changed the name, and have re-opened it. In other applications, I can choose to save an identical copy of the document under a different name and open it and it will show up in that application with the name that I want to use.
It would be greatly appreciated if Adobe Reader DC would give one the option to save a copy of the original document under a different name in Windows Explorer such that that "Title" under the Document Properties could also be changed to match the physical name of the document in Windows Explorer.
Thanks for the opportunity to suggest this change both for myself and on behalf of others who have run into the same problem.
Have a great day!