Tab Highlighting
Having multiple tabs open at time it is hard to correctly organize them into things I already have read, things I need to go back to, or things that I have yet to look at. As a student it would be nice to have and easy way to organize them. My thought is if you could right click on a tab in the header and select a color scheme for it. Right now it only has the option to 'Close Tab' or 'Reopen Closed Tab.' Adding a simple color scheme here with possibly a sort function would allow those of us doing research to easily keep numerous tabs open and straight.
miriam commented
I would LOVE it if Adobe implemented this. I often have tonnes of tabs open with names that either start with the same words or are a fairly meaningless alphanumeric string. It's so time-consuming finding the document I'm looking for, especially when working on a small screen. Being able to colour the tabs for primary documents would make life so much easier!
Catrin Brooks commented
I like it