Extract Pages as Separate Files truncates long names
When opening a PDF with a long name, extracting pages as separate files leads to unexpectedly truncated names in the output PDF files, specifically around the 32nd characters.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a new PDF in Adobe Acrobat. A blank page will do.
Save the PDF under this name: 0000000000000000000000000123abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789
Open the Page Thumbnails view and right-click on the page and select "Extract Pages..."
In the Extract Pages dialog, enable "Extract Pages as Separate Files" and then save anywhere.
The resulting file name will be truncated to the first 32 characters and last 32 characters, resulting in a loss of the middle characters. Using the example name above, the letters "cde" get dropped.
This does not happen if the "separate files" option is not enabled and the expected result is the full name being retained.
I am on Windows 10 20H2 19042.1645. Acrobat version is 2022.001.20117. I have confirmed this to happen on a Mac OS system as well.