Custom Redaction Pattern Not Displaying In Acrobat
I need to redact driver's license numbers from about 1200 PDF pages in Acrobat DC. There is no redaction pattern for driver's license numbers. I found tutorials on how to add custom redaction patterns. I created an updated version of the program's "SearchRedactPatterns" xml. I uploaded the updated version to replace the xml that was already there using a file path shown in multiple tutorials. There are no error messages associated with the new xml and I see no syntax errors in the coding that would prevent it from working. But the new custom pattern does not display in the dropdown menu for redaction pattern options in Acrobat DC. I'm not sure what could be wrong. Attached is a screen shot of the updated xml with the new pattern circled, the file path where I replaced the original xml (and saved a copy), the dropdown menu that displays available patterns, and the portion of the PDF with the Ohio license numbers (OLN) that need to be redacted. There are too many pages for this to be done manually so it is important that this function work as this is a legal matter.

Zachary Soare commented
You need to use the path `%APPDATA%\Adobe\Acrobat\DC\Preferences\Redaction\ENU\SearchRedactPatterns.xml`
Note: The only difference between this path and the one you used is the `Preferences` folder.
I'm not sure what the Redaction folder outside of the Preferences folder does, but evidentally it doesn't work for this..