Improve Bates Numbering for Legal Professionals, Include File Name
The Bates Stamping tool needs a few more features to help litigation users comply with the court requirements. For example. in Nevada, when we submit trial exhibits to the court, the PDF file name is the exhibit number (e.g., 1.pdf, 2.pdf, 3.pdf) and the Bates number on the document is the File Name plus the page number (e.g., 1-001, 1-002, 1-003; 2-001, 2-002; 3-001, etc.). Currently, we have to process each PDF individually and manually type the filename as the prefix, which is a massive time suck. If the File Name were added as a field to the Bates Stamping tool, however, we could batch process these. All of the other options we need are there, we just need the File Name added, and then we can use the rest of the options we need, such as shrinking the page, formatting the page number with leading zeros, and setting appropriate margins, font size and font color.