Adobe Acrobat DC x64 Unified Installer - hide/disable PDFMaker functionality while in 'Reader' mode
Requesting Acrobat DC x64 be updated to enable PDFMaker functionality across applications for a user ONLY if the full functionality of Acrobat Pro is activated by sign in and license validation; and disabled, hidden or greyed out when the user signs out of Acrobat and is in 'Reader' mode.
When using the Adobe Acrobat DC x64 Unified Installer the PDFMaker add-ins for Office products (Word, Outlook, etc) are automatically enabled, however, users that are in 'Reader' mode cannot use these features (Save as Adobe PDF, context menus to convert or append Outlook mailboxes to PDF, etc) and receive an error when doing so, causing increased service/helpdesk calls. Hiding these options from the menus while in 'Reader' mode would alleviate confusion.

Raja Sekhar commented
not all users are licensed users in our organization. we started with unified installer and seeing increase in requests. This is annoying the end user.
waiting for an update from Adobe to automate the process to enable/disable the feature as license is approved via signin to product.