Comments Quicker Edit of Fill Border, with No Fill, No Border Options
When drawing Rectangles, Circles, Clouds etc in Acrobat pro, the method of specifying Borders and Fill are incredibly tedious and slow to edit. Acrobat has one change colour dot to bring up the colour pallet for Fill / Border, and those colour pallets then have NO option for ( no fill ) or ( no border ). You have to go into the cog to get properties which brings up another pallete, which also has NO option for ( No Fill ) ( No Border ), so you then pick the colour picker which takes you to another window, where you can select transparent, you them close that window, ( and then hit "Make Properties Default" which doesn't work and does not stay permanent. ). So I'm going to count the mouse clicks to change a Rectangle red border/yellow fill to a Black Border/No Fill. 1 select object. 2 select change colour, 3 select cog Rectangle Properties, 4 select fill colour, 5 select Transparent, 6 Close that box, 7 Select Line Colour Picker ( brings up RGB Sliders 0, 8 Select pencil colour picker, 9 select black, 10 Close that Box, 11 Select "Make Properties Default ( which doesn't work BTW ), 12 Close that Box with ok. I can do that with 4 clicks in Pages and Numbers and Vectorworks,,..... etc
like most other programs, even pages, have a separate colour Picker for Fill that includes No Fill, Have a separate Colour Picker for Line That includes No Line, Maintain line weight picker. Then I could have just selected Fill, and second click "No Fill" and Select Line Colour picker and select Black. Compare convoluted Acrobat process to simple pages separate fill / line selectors in the screenshots attached, and please fix "Make Properties Default" to work properly and apply also to new documents opened.
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