Single Page Continuous HORIZONTAL
Hundreds of thousands of businesses use flowcharting software (such as, Visio, LucidChart, etc.) that allows you to create HORIZONTAL flowcharts, project management swim lanes, and more.
Unfortunately, Acrobat currently only allows VERTICAL "Single Page Continuous" scrolling in the Page Layout options.
For multipage horizontal documents, it's hard to track the right side of the previous page with the left side of the current page.
I'm proposing an additional Page Layout option called "Single Page Continuous Horizontal" (and maybe rename the current option to "Single Page Continuous Vertical) that allows us to scroll HORIZONTALLY through ALL pages in a document.
Viewing 2 pages side-by-side is not enough for a horizontal document that spans 3 or more pages. There is always a disconnect between the even and odd pages that is hard to connect in your mind.
Attached are examples of some wide files that are hard to read squeezed onto a single page, and would benefit from being printed on multiple pages (with no margins) and viewed with Acrobat with the ability to scroll horizontally.
Thank you for your consideration.