Time-burglar "Renew Now" and "Activate" Notifcations
PA-LEASE! Turn off the "Renew Now" and "Activate" notifications. Our IT takes care any upgrade$, so I have no use for these time-burglar Notifications! Every other time I attempt to "Combine Files in Acrobat" (which I perform multiple times each day), one of these notifications pops up and I have to close it and close out of Acrobat Adobe and try again from my Explorer folder. It is very annoying, especially due to the fact that I cannot find any solution on Acrobats' support site. I am told to choose my profile dot, then select "Preferences", then "Notifications". I have Preferences, but there is not an option for Notifications. Grrr! Ugh! Make them stop so I can complete my work in a timely manner!!!