64 bits user interface is terrible
I've updated from 32 to 64 bits Adobe acrobat Pro and the user interface experience is terrible:
* I don't find anywhere the add textbox.
* I don't see the number of pages nor the present page number
* I cannot add a button to take snapshots and to take an snapshot I have to go to the text / tool search. I cannot find the option in the menus.
I miss a lot the 32 bits user interface. I loose a lot of time looking for commands that where easy to find in the 32 bits version.

DJY commented
textbox-go to edit menu under add content just click text drag a box out in pdf.
Number of pages and current page is on the right/Left (depending on where your bookmarks and navigation panel moved) side of the window. As for the snapshot, there is an option in the menu, but you can just use the select tool to put a box around what you wanted to snapshot and right click. A menu will come out with option to snapshot. Side note, you will not get a notification that the snapshot was taken by right clicking like you will if you go under menu>Undo, Redo, More>take snapshot.Hope this helps