I have spent an hour trying to figure out how to RENAME a downloaded document and couldn't find any way to do so.
I have spent an hour trying to figure out how to RENAME a downloaded document and couldn't find any way to do so. It should be an easy function allowed with a right click. Saving a file with a name like: fileJmWj1R.tmp is not easily found at a later date. Not easy to distinguish what it is. And even when I save it to the cloud, it isn't allowing changes there. This is a real problem when working with many forms both original blank and completed.

Anonymous commented
At the VERY least, ability to rename while on the HOME page with the file closed if it's too stoopid to do it on its own. Having to go to Explorer, navigate to that folder, hopefully choose the right one, and rename is ridiculous.
Scott Williams commented
Unbelievable that Adobe.Acrobat web version can't seem to rename a file in cloud Home directory. I must be missing something? It's so easy to rename files in Adobe Scan on iOS, that's where I'm off to.