AdobePro is not GCC High Tenant FedRamp Certified with SharePoint
Adobe marketing web site is misleading when it comes to GCC tenant security. We spent over a month of our IT engineering time along with Adobe support and Microsoft support to integrate AdobePro into our SharePoint GCC high tenant. The root of the problem is how Adobe obtains its hash credentials from Microsoft GCC authorities. There are different credentialling authorities between business, GCC, and GCC High. The hashing is partially baked using credentialing authorities from the business .com domain as opposed to the government .us domain for credential verification within Adobes SharePoint integration. For example, SSO would work in AdobePro, but applying account credentials in order to edit a pdf file to be retained in SharePoint fails. In the end, Adobe has chosen not to support this and we (and perhaps others) cannot rely on Adobe to operate in a GCC high tenant environment for security reasons.
I believe this is a huge, missed opportunity for Adobe. SharePoint is obviously used in GCC high tenant environments with integration to all the office tools. Adobe could likely sell their product into this space as well (at least Adobe should correctly advertise what it does and does not do in this space to not mislead other government contract entities down a path that will not work)