Unable to have the good quotation mark
Actually in my language (french), when I modify a PDF file, I have seen that the quotation marks does not correspond to my language : I have " instead of «
I would like to have the quotation marks corresponding to my language.

PIERRE commented
To be more clear :
In Acrobat Pro, actually, when I try to add a quotation mark, Acrobat write this type : " "
But my goal is to use this type of quotation mark : « » (this is the quotation mark we use in french language).
So in Acrobat, in order to use them, I am obliged to do : ALT 174, and ALT 175.
I don't understand why in Microsoft Word and also Adobe Frame Maker, I have automatically this type of quotation mark (« ») but in Acrobat Pro it is not the case.
Acrobat Pro should be able to do it automatically in the french version : « »