Bug: OCR: removal of erroneous space within word doesn't work correctly
1) Read in the attached file "bug2.pdf"
2) Push "Scan & OCR"
3) Push "Correct recognized text". You should see the views shown in 1.jpg and 2.jpg.
4) In the "Recognized as" text area, notice there is a space after "pach." Delete the space and push "Accept."
5) Click the "OK" button of the message dialog window.
6) Toggle on "Review recognized text"
7) Double click on "pach" in the document, notice that despite the space having been removed, it still recognizes "pach" as a separate word from "ypus." See 3.jpg
It should combine them together into the single word "pachypus." As of now, I have to save the file, read it back in, go through the "Correct recognized text process" again, double click on "pachypus", then push "Accept." It will only then combine the two parts into a single word.