The new interface may be causing my documents to print upsidedown--we notice this when we choose staple and print options, obviously
We are still working through this after Xfinity made us upgrade equipment--we ended up getting our own modem that does not have built-in Wi-Fi so that our old network with our Wi-Fi router would work again. Now the printer interface is a problem only from my desktop--not the others on the network. The new Adobe was offered at the same time, so I switched to that, but then just switched back and it has not resolved the problem. I do not see the old print options interface that I used to have (not on the new Adobe nor the old one that I just reverted to); I am being sent to a different menu with different options than the ones I used to have. The other desktops and laptops are not having this issue and most are the same brand desktop and laptop as my desktop.