Can't find anything
The very definition of any update is to add features not move the existing features around so no one can find them. I use the comments tab to shade areas that need to be changed on CAD drawings a lot. I used to be able to select a wall and move it. Now I can't I have to search for rectangle when I need the comment feature so the menu pops up. There is no way to anchor the sub-menu on the tools where it used to be. There is no way to move all of the tools to the right side of the screen where it used to be. There is no selection arrow in the edit mode so you can't change existing text or move images. I can go on and on but I have already waisted 2+ hours of productivity trying to figure this out. Something that took less than a minute to do is now taking 30+++ minutes. I don't have time for this so I went back to the old version (v8.0) and turned off updates. I'll stick with this until you stop supporting this older version. Like it or not, Microsoft has established all of the conventions as far as the user interface. You should follow them rather than trying to reinvent the wheel.