"Pages" panel takes up too much screen space, and it doesn't remember my resizing of the panel.
The new-look UI for Adobe Reader has a new, revamped "pages" panel on the right side. This is where page thumbnails are shown. The problem is that the whole panel element is way too wide. It takes up way too much screen space. Even when you reduce the size of the thumbnails to the smallest view setting, there is still too much white space on either side of the thumbnails. It IS possible to resize the panel by dragging the panel's border with your mouse, but the problem with this is that Adobe Reader will not remember the resizing of the panel on next launch. This means I have to resize the "pages" panel each time I open a PDF doc. Please fix both of these problems: Make it so that my resizing settings are saved, and also reduce the overall width of the "pages" panel so that it takes up less screen space.