I never use Bookmark ... but here it is every time I start Reader (taking up half of the screen with my document scrunched down accordingly). Not to mention the nav buttons hiding down in the corner on a right-hand tool bar. Are you people mashugana?! It's like you've never seen a Windows nav tool bar (well, before the little morons "ribbonized" things).
How do I get rid of the auto-loading Bookmark panel?
How do I get my nav buttons back into the top tool bar where they belong?

Sid commented
Can't stand this!!!!!!!
Lisa Paparone commented
This feature is an annoying speed bump EVERY SINGLE TIME I open up a pdf. I will definitely consider this when deciding if I renew or go back to the pdf software I was trying out. It slows me down! All I ever do is stop, find my way to the little x and then close it, adding one more step.
I venture to guess that many more people dislike this feature than voted here - it took a significant amount of my time to find my way to this voting place, then to create an account and then to write this.... I must really dislike it to invest this much time, and that is correct.
Tom Van Helden commented
This is clearly an issue for many users, please add an option to disable this permanently.
Daniel van der Merwe commented
Why do I manually have to close the Bookmarks pane every time I open a document? Why is this enforced on users? Why can it not be turned off PERMANENTLY? Adobe, if you just use Google to see how many users complain about this issue, you will understand our frustration. Surely you can fix this. Features should be turned on or off as required, not forced on users. Thank you Adobe for listening to your users (at least I'm sure you do).
Morvan Dishaw commented
This needs to be an option!, closing the bookmark tab for every document is tedious
Isa commented
This not what we are paying for. Adobe hear your customers out. This is such a basic global flag for you to add. we do not want anything other than the PDF itself to open up.
Michael commented
Oh my God. I thought I was the only one. Started popping up recently and I was like I don't need this and closed it thinking it would stick. Nope. Nothing I tried under Preferences or View worked either. There is a tick mark next to Bookmarks under Menu -> View -> Show/Hide -> Side Panels but tapping it does nothing to take the tick out. Absolutely infuriating! Surely this is a bug and not a feature request?
Muddasser commented
Come on Adobe!. I am genuinely condsidering other PDF viewers/editors at this rate.
Laura Sydenstricker commented
Please fix this! Only want to see the PDF file when opening...none of the extras.
Anonymous commented
Please fix this! A whole bunch of people would appreciate it.
Enrique commented
Adobe should do something about this. The extra click to close the bookmark everytime is so annoying and time-consuming. My job requires opening a lot of PDF files and it opens the bookmark panel everytime!
Waleed Khalid commented
When i open a PDF i only want to see the PDF. No tool, no bookmarks, just the PDF. There doest seem to be any option to do just that. The annoying bookmark always opens by default