AI assistant button
Like every other service, Adobe as well keeps making things increasingly difficult for people who are not neurotypical. Like this new AI button that SCREAMS in the right corner. Because of these kind of features, using these services (of which we pay a great deal for) is getting almost impossible. I really would appreciate the developers to take into account people whose brain simply does not work in a way that ignoring that HUGE colourful button in the corner is possible. Now that it is there, I cannot use Adobe Acrobat anymore without sticking a sticker to my computer screen that hides that button. But since I do not have the option to do it at the moment, I am forced to look for alternative solutions, which leads to unnecessary work and might postpone my work by several hours. At least give an option to hide these hideous buttons.
And when it comes to the AI thing itself, who wants to use AI in EVERY SINGLE SERVICE anyway? Could it be optional? I, for example, really do not need an AI assistant to read my PDFs.