NEW BUG: Fatal error with insert more picture signatures into PDF
Hallo, we have a big problem with the current version of Adobe Acrobat XXXX. The older versions did not have this problem.
After installing Adobe Acrobat, it is possible to put signatures in PDF (as a picture) for about 2 days only. We typically insert 5 to 20 picture signatures into an existing PDF document. After about two days there will be a fatal error somewhere in the program, probably overflowing some counter in Adobe Acrobat. For different PDFs, the error behaves completely identical.
We captured the manifestation of the error in the attached videos. We also tried to send a report (from error Adobe Acrobat) asking for an answer, but none has come back from Adobe to this day.
Nor did the replacement for the new powerful PC, which we got in the hope of solving the problem. The problem remained exactly the same as on the original old computer.
The only solution to eliminate the error is to completely uninstall the Adobe Acrobat and then install again. Unfortunately, it is a very time -consuming operation. The mere fix does not solve the error.
1) We are asking for correction of error that was not in older versions
2) So far we are applying for older versions of Adobe Acrobat that the described error does not yet contain
Thanks for your help, AN, Healthcare Assistance and Social Services, Prague, CZ