Bug: not possible to sign multiple times in different round
Steps to reproduce the issue
If a form has to be signed in different steps, I cannot sign e.g. as the second and 6th person in the signature round.
I cannot sign the form for approving the translator and then after four other people have signed sign for the correct process has been followed and the correct people have signed. I do not get a new sign for my second signature, and the document does not appear in the list of documents waiting for me.
Environment (OS, other related application versions, etc.) Mac OS
Expected result
After signing once and other people signing, I would expect the document to appear in my waiting list again and receiving an update dat now I need to sign again.
Observed result
I can find the document in the In progress list, with my e-mail address behind it, indicating that it is my turn to sign. But still the document does not appear in the list of documents named 'waiting for you'