Unable to add text, lines, highlight, etc. to Plan Sheets on a Construction Project.
I used to be able to add text, lines, highlight, etc. on Construction Plans when I used Adobe Pro before it became a subscription service. I lost it when I had to change my computer from Windows 7 to 11. I'm on a trial version. I already spent over one hour using the chat feature for your rep. to figure out that my problem was with Construction Plans. He was unable to connect to my computer to attempt to resolve this issue, and suggested I call back. I have a case ID. Apparently there is no customer service on Saturday. My trial runs out on Monday, 12-30-24. I doubt anyone will be available on Sunday. I'll have to see if someone can resolve this issue on Monday morning or I'll have to cancel subscription because I'm in the Construction business and I need to mark-up plan sheets all the time.