214 results found
Explain how to print from Adobe without AirPrint, just with normal WiFi
3 votes -
No se sincronizan los archivos en todos mis dispositivos
No se sincronizan mis archivos en todos mis dispositivos. Que hago.
2 votes -
Trying to open link.
Trying to open link. But keeps sending me to app store when I already have app
2 votes -
Purchase successful. Activating feature. Please wait
I have paid $9.99 for the ability to combine 2 pdf files. It says purchase successful activating feature please wait. I have been waiting for over an hour now. How long should this possibly take?
5 votes -
Different file updating procedure on different iPads
I use the Acrobat app both on my four iPads and an iPhone7 to frequently update and revise my existing pdf files with newer versions of themselves. On my older iPad 2 and iPad Mini, as well as my iPad fourth-generation, this is a very easy process. I email the PDF to myself and then choose to open it in Adobe. Then, I move it to the folder its earlier version appeared in and it automatically replaces the prior version. That easy process doesn’t exist on the Adobe App designed for my iPad mini 4.
On my iPad mini 4,…
14 votes -
The e-mail address listed is no longer in use? How do i change my e-mail address
Hi I am busy with a divorce. Now the mail address listed is going to my husband? It is a huge problem because there are sensitive info that he will be able to see. How can you help me to change my old e-mail address to my new e-mail address?
1 vote -
I need to enable flash
I just need to down loud to play a game wartunes
3 votes -
PDF exported without edit
When sharing a PDF via email on my iPad App Adobe Acrobat, after having filled some fields and signing my PDF on the App, all the changes I made are not visible on the PDF Copy attached to the email.
Thanks for your help,14 votes -
How do yo get in contact with a representative need help
I signed up but mistyped my email and now I cannot get in
1 vote -
how can i install the app into ios 9 ?
I need to install the into ios 9, is there an older version?
1 vote -
User Edge and not Company Browser
We use Adobe Acrobat Reader for Intune (iOS) and when clicking 'Online Support Forum' it prompts you to install the Intune 'Managed Browser app' Microsoft now support Edge with MAM (App Protection). I have this installed but it still prompts for Managed Browser'. The app should know Edge is installed so Managed Browser is not required.
2 votes -
How to Translate to english?
How can I translate a document to english?
7 votes -
Text under consideration gets to the centre of the screen
While changing the color of the highlight of the selected text, the text gets to the centre of the screen.
e.g. I have highlighted something with a yellow color, but I need to change the color now. I tap on the highlighted text, options pop up, I change the color. As soon as I tap on different color, ‘the text’ which is elsewhere on the screen gets to the centre of the screen. Its really annoying, why can’t the the text remain where it is on the screen. Why it needs to get to the centr of the screen. This…3 votes -
2 votes
Prendre un instantané impossible sur ipad
It is impossible to « take a picture » in a pdf document on ipad (in the french version it is called « prendre un instantané » on PC).
Please add this function very usefull on the ios version !!! I use it a lot to prepare power point presentation from scientific publications, not to extract text but to extract a snapshot of a graph or a picture.
Thanks a lot
2 votes -
Cannot save files to cloud or rename them
Since the latest update I can not save any files to the cloud or rename them.
2 votes -
Update email on account
I need to update my email address on my account. Any ideas on how to do that
1 vote -
“define” feature doesn’t appear after selecting word
After I select the word to be define, the only thing that pops up is “Note Text Freehand”. I’m sure it’s somtjing simple I’m not doing, but would really appreciate the help.
1 vote -
Ios11 - needs update to work with ios 11?
Not sure why but it says latest update does not work with ios11? I have just update the app today and still not working. Pls help. Thank you.
8 votes -
Can’t Sign reader extended form
I created a fillable PDF with signature required. I saved it as reader extended and mailed it to myself.
I cannot sign the form. In fact the signature field isn’t highlighted as fillable. Worse, I was able to hit the submit button even though the required signature was missing.
7 votes
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