Acrobat Pro arbitrarily changes form field types after crash
First my suggestion for Acrobat Pro is work more painstakingly or stock up staff! The CC costs a bunch of money and when working with it, it shows that it doesn't function as sufficient as is should. Especially when it comes to creating/editing more advanced interactive PDFs with Acrobat Pro. The possibility to do that basically is a very mighty and good feature but it doesn't runs as stable as it should.
In my opinion there could/should be a standalone software thats reduced to interactive/form field and layout functions (comparable: InDesign) only. Acrobat Pro is packed full with lots of features and often many of them feel (maybe therefore) like a compromise.
Recently I noticed a lot of bugs, but so far I didn't took my time to report one of them. Today I want to start with it.
To my bug:
Acrobat seems to randomly change the type of my form fields.
I'm working on a PDF questionaire with about 70 pages. The PDF doesn't only consists of text/input fields it also has buttons that enable the users to navigate to different sites. While working on this today Acrobat for Mac suddenly got stuck.
I wanted to set an action of a field to "show/hide a field", after i chosed this action from the list the software got stuck. The mac umbrella kept spinning and the software didn't reacted until I force-closed and restarted it.
After the restart I glanced through some navigation fields that I edited before. They were configured as normal buttons with a "go to page X" action. In the form field overview/list on the right I noticed that they (only some) changed their type from "OK/button" to a checkbox/checkfield - which is some kind of weird. Nevertheless their configured action kept unchanged but after clicking and coming back to the page where they're placed, they appear as a checked checkbox.
In Acrobat Pro there is a lot of what normal users/customers would call "randomness" in its behavior. I'm sure there are very complex dependencies behind these problems but for the user it simply feels not
incomprehensible and unsatisfactory.
At least I can speak for me. I'm often very frustrated, when working with Acrobat Pro on interactive PDFs because the idea of being able to do so is basically great and in other aspects the software already is a good product.