[BUG] (new) preflight libraries, scripts cannot call profiles outside current library
BUG report:
1. Preflight profiles outside last used preflight library (a new feature) cannot be called by scripts
2.1. Import a preflight profile into the Standard preflight library
2.2. Change preflight library and execute a profile from another library
2.3. Use a JavaScript call to launch the profile installed in step 2.1, i.e. Preflight.getProfileByName(name)
(Documentation: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/acrobat/acrobat_dc_sdk/2015/HTMLHelp/Acro12_MasterBook/JS_API_AcroJS/Preflight_methods.htm?rhtocid=_6_1_8_55_0_3#TOC_getProfileByNamebc-4)
2.4 Profile cannot be found
3. Windows 10, Acrobat Pro DC 2017.009.20044
4. The Profile installed under 2.1 should be executed
5. The Profile cannot be executed by the script.
[Further comment]:
Preflight libraries are a new feature. They cannot be selected via the Script API. I now have to tell script users not to change the preflight library, which some of them often do. Clearly the JavaScript call should look for the preflight profile in all libraries - or there should be a documented way of executing a profile regardless of a user's previous preflight activities.

Zachary Soare commented
For the moment, I'm getting around this by using the batch-actions to run the preflight I want to, as that doesn't require the preflight library set in advance. Though it does require using batch actions instead of a user script or menu item.