Every single pdf document I print ends up giving me a message at the printer (Canon) to check the page size because it's custom.
Every pdf document I send to my MFD (Canon) does not automatically print. It sends a message to pick paper size because it's a custom size. However, it is NEVER a custom size, it's always 8-1/2 x 11. All the settings in my document say to print to 8-1/2 x 11, I've tried shrink and fit and still, I keep getting the message at the printer and have to choose 8-1/2 x 11. Really annoying.
Thank you for reporting this issue. Please provide the following details:
1. Printer driver and model number.
2. Sample document on which you are experiencing this issue.
3. Screenshot of print dialog window and Properties window.
3.1 Open any document and click print
3.2 Take screenshot
3.3 Click Properties button next to printers list
3.4 Take screenshot
4. Have you tried with different printer?
5. Have you tried printing to PDF using Adobe PDF printer?