how to hide layer permenenently in pdf, can you provide option to permenently hide Layer in pdf.
I use latest adobe acrobat dc pro version 2018,when i open some pdf document, layer gets open from side bar pane everytime , while i never use that layer popup from side bar pane for any pdf document, so can you please help to permanently hide layer popup from side navigation pane? i open 1000 different drawings from where i get layer pop from left end side everytime, i can not hide it temperaroy with right click on navigation pane, so can you help to deploy update to hide layer permenently for that 1000 or more new drawings? permenently so whenever i open new drawing, layer get off everytime and pop up does not come from left end side. as its of no use in seeing every new drawings everytime. can you disable layer pop from left end side permenently with any tick option in your adobe acrobat dc pro?

Ravi Gupta commented
Hi Hardik,
Sorry to hear that you had trouble.
You can disable the left navigation pane using the below steps-
1. Open a PDF
2. Your layers tab would open up automatically
3. Right click on the leftmost column
4. Click on unpin the layers TAB.Let me know if you need any further info.
-Ravi Gupta