Save InDesign to PDF and convert WORD loses formatting. Was fixed in Sept 2017, now wrong again
I have reported this three times previously. I work on a MAC. I use InDesign for an important booklet. I have to save it as PDF and then convert it to WORD so that I can split the booklet into sections and email to my other collaborators for editing. In the past, the WORD file comes over with perfect formatting. Then in 2017, it was turning all the formatting into garbage and Adobe fixed it in Sept 2017. Somewhere between the update of March and April 2018, the fix was overwritten and is back to being garbage. I have to have this working or I cannot use InDesign any longer because I need others to be able to edit it and they do not have InDesign or Adobe Acrobat Pro. I have sent my files showing the problems so they could recreate this but I have not heard back. Now I see that my posts were deleted in April and May. Help me please!

Karen Williams commented
PLEASE HELP! This was fixed once in Sept 2017 but somewhere between update 2017.012.20098 and 2018.011.20035 the correction to the problem was overwritten. Please reply! I need to produce my product and have no other alternative. Please read string of comments!
Karen Williams commented · April 23, 2018I did a little more testing and found that when I created a PDF to WORD conversion on Sept 15th, the problem was fixed. That was in version 2017.012.20098. Now I am using 2018.011.20035 and it doesn't work any longer. There was another update between these two (2018.009.20044) that took place and I think it was working during this update (not for sure) but it is definitely not working now. What ever you did to correct it in 2017.012.20098 was overwritten by the time 2018.011.20035 came out. It needs to be re-corrected. PLEASE HELP ASAP!
Karen Williams commented · April 23, 2018At some point since this was reported, the problem had been corrected. But since then, I had updated my OS to High Sierra 10.13.3 and it doesn't work again. I need to convert my InDesign file so that others who do not have InDesign can make changes and I only have Adobe Acrobat into WORD to do that. PLEASE HELP!