Comment Windows: Display Sticky Note Color
In Acrobat 9, the "comments" window displayed the COLOR of the corresponding sticky note (there was a small sticky note icon in each window that showed the color of the corresponding note).It was possible to quickly view and navigate to related pages/sections of the PDF even if the page was not directly viewable; I could quickly scan for all comments that were associated with a RED sticky note, or a BLUE one, etc, by simply scrolling through the comments -- it was not necessary to view the actual page of the PDF to check the color of the sticky note.
In Acrobat DC, I can change the color of the STICKY NOTE, but not the corresponding COMMENT WINDOW (comment windows are always white, and do not show the color of the sticky note). Therefore, the only way to check the color of the sticky note is to physically view that section of the PDF -- which greatly reduces the usefulness of color-coding in the first place.
TL;DR - see the attached file.

Evan commented
I HATE the trend of making all icons gray. It is horrible for productivity. The colors were helpful and the colors had a distinct purpose that made sense. Please bring them back.
Kelly Vaughn commented
That feature was also discussed here:
Normally, Id' ask you to cross vote, but once feature requests are denied, voting is closed. But you can at least still post a comment!