Acrobat text-edit comment functionality improvements needed
1) In the old comment pane, there was text that accompanied each entry identifying it as an underline, strikethrough, replacement, or insert. Now, the text identifier is gone and we only have an arcane symbol. This is awful. I work with clients who are less familiar with Acrobat and this only makes it more difficult for them to understand the nature of my comments. Please bring back the text labels that identify comment pane entries as underlines, strikethroughs, replacements, or inserts.
2) You know not everyone uses Acrobat on a collaborative team of a dozen people, right? I use it one-on-one with clients. I don't need my name in bold next to every single comment that I make in the comment pane. This just looks silly and is completely unnecessary for the kind of work I do. Please include the option to either remove or make smaller such labels.
3) Why on earth are there only two options for the size of the comment pane: hugely open or closed? Why can't I just drag the comment pane to the left to make it smaller? I don't need to see every comment I make in giant text. I do need to increase the size of the document I am reading.
Please make these improvements.

Kelly Vaughn commented
Yes X 1000.