Comment dialogue bug
Since the latest update (running Adobe Acrobat Pro V2019.008.20074) adding comments (drawing lines, connected lines or rectangles) randomly causes the comment dialog box to appear for those markups. This was not a problem before the update. Upon opening the document, several dialog "bubbles" appear on the side of the document. They disappear as soon as one opens the comment pane. This is clearly a bug. Windows 7 Enterprise SP1.
Expected result: no dialog box, just display comments created.
Observed result: random dialog boxes are added, even though not added by user.

Robert Tessier commented
More info: this problem is not random anymore. It can be reproduced as follows: enable commenting, enable object properties (Control-E) and select "draw line". Draw a line and the object you just drew will have "pop-up text properties" selected instead of the line properties. So Acrobat seems to automatically create a pop-up text with every single object you add. When saving the pdf and re-opening it, all pop-up text bubbles will appear on the side. You can hide them by opening the comments pane, but in documents with multiple pages and lots of comments, this will cause an extreme amount of CPU load and the program will become very slow and almost unresponsive.
Please fix this immediately. It makes working with Adobe a pain!