RaiseError when receiving "multipart/related" "application/xop+xml" SOAP response
Hello everyone. I have experienced the following situation.
After a synchronous SOAP request, upon receiving a binary encoded, content type "application/xop-xml" response, Adobe Standard generated RaiseError pointing to the Net.SOAP.request() method. If, alternatively, the request was made asynchronously the callback function did not appear to have been invoked. In the latter case though upon exiting Adobe Acrobat, "Adobe Acrobat DC has stopped working" and “An unhandled exception occurred in Acrobat.exe [ some number ]” messages were generated.
There were no such problems if received responses were of content type "application/json" or "text/xml".
I am not certain if that a bug or a not supported feature. I'd like to ask the if the Adobe team can help me to resolve it.
The dynamic form was designed with Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES4 and executed with Adobe Acrobat Standard DC (Version: 2015.006.30457). The PC runs Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit OS.
Thank you!